Wednesday, 19 February 2020

OROP 2020 aka OROP -2; Update

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Marg, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 110010

No. 5699/AT-P/OROP-2/Vol III                                                                     Dated: 10/02/2020


Sub:     Information under RTI Act - 2005
Ref:      Your RTI registration No. CGDFA/R/X/20/00002 dated 30.01.2020

Please refer to your online application dated 30.02.2020 addressed to MoD Deptt of ESW transferred to this office by MoD. The RTI application has been examined at this end and point-wise information is as follows:

Para 3:                        GoI, MoD No. 12(01)/2014-D(Pen/Pol) dated 26.2.2014 states that “CGDA may work out the modalities in consultation with Services Headquarters.” Further, Service HQ would in turn may appropriately consult ex-servicemen. As such, the information desired pertains to Service HQ. RTI request is being transferred to CPIO, Service HQ viz. Army HQ, Naval HQ and AF HQ under Rule 6 (3) of RTI Act, 2005. 

Point 4:           MoD vide order dated 14.06.2019 has constituted a committee to work out modalities and methodology of implementation of next revision of pension under OROP. Para 2 of ibid order provided Terms of References for the committee. As per decision on note No. 5699/AT-P/OROP-2/Vol II dated 29.07.2019 the issue has been referred to MoD vide this office letter No. 5699/AT-P/OROP-2/Vol-II dated 31.07.2019. Copies of these letters are enclosed herewith. Herein reference is made to GoI, Deptt of P&T letter No. I/18/2011-R dated 16.09.2011 which states that only such information can be supplied under the Act which already exists and is held by Public Authority.  

2.         In terms of Section 19 (i) of RTI Act 2005, first appellate authority is as under:

            Name:  Shri Kanwaldeep Singh
            Rank: JT CGDA (Pension)
            Address: O/o CGDA, Ulan Batar Marg, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010
(Awadesh Kumar Srivastava)
Accounts Officer (AT-Pen) C P I O
Copy to: CPIO Army HQ                      Under Rule 6 (3) of RTI Act 2005 the RTI application dated
             CPIO Naval HQ                       30.01.2020 is forwarded herewith for furnishing the
             CPIO Air Force HQ                  information sought in Para 3 of the application.
(Awadesh Kumar Srivastava)
Accounts Officer (AT-Pen) C P I O

Office Note                             No. 5699/AT-P/OROP-2/Vol-II
AT-V                                        Dated: 29/07/2019

Subject:          Re-fixation of pension under One Rank One Pension

            It is intimated that MoD vide their ID No. 1(1)/2019/D (P/P) dated 14.06.2019 has constituted a committee under the chairmanship of CGDA to work out the modalities and methodology of implementation of next revision of pension under OROP. Terms of reference of this Committee has been mentioned in para 2 of ibid letter.
It is submitted that various Ex-Servicemen associations/individuals are approaching HQ office with their representations on revision of pension under OROP. Brief on the issues raised in the representation alongwith list of representation is as under:

S No.
Letter No.
Ex-Servicemen help line centre (Right Solutions India Welfare & Charitable Trust)
No. 1000/PBOR/OROP-2 (Pension/Policy) dated 01.07.2019
1. Anomalies in previous OROP.
2. Protection with OROP rates to retirees between 1.7.2014 to 31.12.2015
3. Revision of Hony Nb Sub retired prior to 01.01.2006
4. Benefit of MACP to Ex-servicemen
5. Revision of pension with effect from 01.01.2016 and OROP (second)
Ex-Servicemen Association Talvadi (UR)
Letter dated Nil
1. Minimum guarantee benefit to JCOs.
2. Grant of Hony pension in the rank of Subedar and Subedar Major
3. Revision of Glacier allowance
4. Reservation to widows of Ex-Servicemen in Govt jobs
Kailash Nath Pandey
Registration No. CGDA/O/2019/00833 dated 15.07.2019
Pay matrix of JCOs/ORs may be extended up to 40 stages
Hony Flt Lt Ashok Kumar
Registration No. CGDAN/O/2019/00825 dated 15.07.2019 and his application dated 20.06.2019
Revision of pension in respect of Hony Commissioned Officer under OROP.

2.         It is for consideration whether these representation/issues are to be placed before the Committee or they should be recorded since no clear cut mandate has been provided to the Committee for examining representation received from environment.

Submitted please.                                                                   Sd/------------- 26/07 AAO (AT-P)
AO (AT/P)        Submitted please.                               Sd/-------- Mukesh Kumar 29/7 Accounts Offr

Jt CGDA (Pen)  The Committee has not been mandated to invite or examine suggestions from the public. The time given for the Committee to submit its report is also not adequate for this purpose.

Though the views voiced can be examined separately, they would not require (?) the Committee’s deliberations, esp. if they are related to anomalies already referred to OMJC.

We may inform MoD accordingly.
                                                                        Sd/------------ 29/7 Kanwaldeep Singh Jt CGDA
Addl CGDA                  Sd/------------29/7/19 Anuradha Mitra

CGDA                           Sd/------------ 29.7.19   Sanjiv Mittal

Addl CG (AM) 

FC issued on 31/7/19

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Marg, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010

Subject: Re-fixation of pension under OROP

            MoD vide ID No. 1(1)/2019/D (P/P) dated 14.06.2019 constituted a committee under the chairmanship of CGDA to work out the modalities & methodology for implementation of next revision of pension under OROP. It is submitted that various Ex-Servicemen Associations and individuals are approaching this office with issues and suggestions related to revision under OROP.

2.         However, on perusal of Terms of references of committee as laid down in Para 2 of MoD ID No. 1(1)/2019/D (P/P) dated 14.06.2019, it is observed that the Committee has not been mandated to invite or examine suggestions from the public. Further the time period of one month to submit the report, stated in Para 2 (v) of above mentioned letter is not adequate for the committee to examine these representations.

3.         Herein it is submitted that present representations and others to be received in future would be examined separately by the department but these would not form part of the deliberations of the committee.
(Mukesh Kumar)
Accounts Officer (AT-Pen)
Shri Ashok Kumar, Under Secretary
Ministry of Defence
Deptt of ESW – D (Pen/Pol)
222, B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011
5699/AT-P/OROP-1/Vol-II dated 31.07.2019

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