Tuesday, 25 February 2020

OROP 2015 - Part I File Notings

One Rank One Pension 2014
File Notings & Correspondence

This being a faithful re-typing, I am unable/reluctant to offer any comments on the “why” questions that many may have. 

I have organised this in two parts – Part I being the online RTI Request and Appeal and the replies thereto, and Part II being the correspondence that preceded the issue of OROP tables in February 2016.

To facilitate Portrait page set up, the original pension tables of Commissioned Officers (Regular) in Landscape have been split up – Maj to Col and Brig to Lt Gen (HAG+)

You are requested to flip from Part I to Part II and back & forth to get as complete a picture as possible on the issue of One Rank One Pension 2014. 

Most of the 355 pages consisted of (i) exhaustive lists of Records Offices (ROs) and PAO who had responded/not replied/made errors/needed their attention to be drawn on methodology etc, (ii)  duplicate of corrected copies of pages and/or drafts wherein minor corrections of spelling errors were made.

Only those Drafts have been typed wherein correction of amounts (in Rs) or OROP have been made.

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Part I
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Online RTI Request Form Details
RTI Request Details:-
RTI Request Registration number CGDFA/R/E/20/00012
Public Authority Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)
Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-
Request Details:-
 (Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)
Description of Information Sought:

1. Please provide information as defined in Section 2 (f) and (i) including file notings and the live data utilised by O/o CGDA to formulate OROP tables that were finally released to Family Pensioners and Veterans vide PCDA (P) Circular No. 555.

2. Please enable online payment of additional fees, if any towards costs of photocopying so that information may be made available within the time limit of 30 days as per Section 7 (1) of the RTI Act.

3. Please also refer to Section 22 of the RTI Act, 2005, if any confidentiality clause applies.

Online RTI Appeal Form Details
RTI Appeal Details:-
RTI Appeal Registration number CGDFA/A/E/20/00024
Public Authority Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)

Request Registration Number CGDFA/R/E/20/00012
Request Registration Date 01/01/2020

Appeal Details:-

Ground For Appeal Provided Incomplete, Misleading or False Information
CPIO of Public Authority approached AT (PENSION) c AWADESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)
Prayer or Relief Sought

Sir, I am aggrieved as the information provided is incomplete as only file notings has been received vide reply dated 24.1.2020 through Speed Post article No. ED448990883IN on 29.1.2020.

2. The request was specific viz. to please provide information as defined in Section 2 (f) and (i) including file notings etc.

2(a) Section 2 (f) defines information as material in any form including records, documents, memos, emails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, log books contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form.

2 (b) Further, Section 2 (i) defines record as any document, manuscript and file as well as any material produced by a computer or any other device.

3. The information provided in ibid reply dated 24.1.2020 is incomplete for the following reasons that the file notings were based on several pieces of information defined in Sec 2 (f) and (i) that were not included in the incomplete reply viz. photocopies of the following information has not been furnished

(a) Of emails from/to MoD and O/o CGDA,

(b) Of Records/documents on how these assumptions were arrived at,

(c) Of Correspondence from/to Pr CDA (P) relating to errors/shortcomings,

(d) Of DGLs submitted by Pr CDA (P),

(g) Original and Revised data provided by PCDA (Navy) and JCDA (AF) at Note/Page 15,

(h) Annexures in Page 15 (and 17) but photocopies have not been provided,

(j) Instructions of MOF but a photocopy of the same has not been provided.

4. Further as complete information has not been provided within 30 days as required under Section 7 (1), this appellant prays for FAA to also consider provisions of Section 7 (3) and order the CPIO to provide full and complete information free of cost under Sec?on 7 (6) of the RTI Act, 2005
RTI Online :: Request/Appeal Form Details https://rtionline.gov.in/request/regdetails.php?regId=t+G9hByOoGRS...

Order of the First Appellate Authority

Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, New Delhi – 10

No. 5699/AT-P/OROP-2/Vol.III                                                                       Dated: 17/02/2020
Subject: First Appeal under RTI Act – 2005
Appellant: S Y Savur

            Whereas, an application dated 01.01.2020 was received from Shri S Y Savur (hereinafter referred to as appellant) seeking information under provision of RTI Act 2005. The available information was provided vide letter dated 24.02.2020. However, with reference to live data utilised to formulate OROP tables the RTI application has been transferred to CPIO, PCDA (P), Allahabad.

            And whereas, the applicant preferred appeal dated 30.01.2020 stating that information provided is incomplete. The undersigned, being the Appellate Authority, has examined the issue raised in the appeal dated 30.01.2020 and observed that the CPIO has provided copies of noting prior to issue of OROP orders. However, with reference to information sought in Para 3 it is submitted that this office does not maintain the records of emails or any data base. The only records held are files. In this regard copies of all pages available on correspondence side of the file of which notings were earlier provided are enclosed herewith. 
The address of the Second Appellate Authority is as under:

            Central Information Commission
            CIC Bhawan
            Baba Gangnath Marg
            Munirka, New Delhi – 110067
(Kanwaldeep Singh)
Jt CGDA (Pension)
(First Appellate Authority)

*          *          *          *          *          *

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Marg, Palam, New Delhi Cantt – 110010

No. OROP/AT-P/OROP-2/Vol-III                                                         Dt. 24/01/2020

Subject:           Information under RTI Act, 2005
Reference:       Your RTI registration No. CGDFA/R/E/20/00012 dated 01.01.2020

            Please refer to your online application dated 01/01/2020. The reply is as under:

            24 pages of file noting prior to issue of OROP order are enclosed for your information. However, w.r.t. live data utilised to formulate OROP tables, the RTI application is transferred to CPIO, PCDA (P), Allahabad.

2.         It is further stated that an amount of Rs 48 (Rs 2 per page) may be deposited as photocopy charges.

3.                  In terms of Section 19 (i) of RTI Act, 2005, first appellate authority is as under:           

Name:  Shri Kanwaljeet Singh
Rank:               Jt CGDA (Pension)
Address:          O/o the CGDA, Ulan Batar Marg, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010

(Awadesh Kumar Srivastav)
Account Officer (AT-Pen)
Copy to: CPIO, PCDA (P), Allahabad   Please find enclosed a RTI application dated 01.01.2020 in r/o above named individual for providing live data utilised to formulate OROP tables. The requisite information may be available with your office. Therefore, the RTI application is transferred to CPIO under the provisions of Section 6 (3) of RTI Act 2005 for furnishing the requisite information sought, to the applicant directly under intimation to this office. 
(Awadesh Kumar Srivastav)
Account Officer (AT-Pen)
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Part I – File Notings

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Note P/1
No. 5699/AT-P/OROP/Vol-VII
Dated 4.11.2015
Subject: Implementation of One Rank One Pension to Def pensioners - reg

            It may be recalled that Government has announced One Rank One Pension for Defence Forces on 5th Sept, 2015. Based on announcement made, certain assumptions with possible suggestion were listed out and forwarded to MoD on 11.9.2015 for decision. Despite expeditor on 27.10.2015, decision taken by MoD is awaited.

2.         Further, in order to review the progress on implementation of Government decision on OROP, a meeting was held on 28.10.2015 in the chamber of Hon’ble RM. The assumptions proposed were discussed in the meeting. One of the issues discussed during the meeting was regarding whether JCO/OR granted financial upgradation under MACP benefit shall be considered as higher rank or they shall be treated at par with respect to their substantive rank held by ignoring their financial upgradation. Hon’ble RM advised JS (ESM) to take up the matter with MoF for decision and also to CGDA to review the issue with reference to data available.  

3.         As per data available for JCO/OR retirees of Army, Navy & Air Force in year 2013, matter has been reviewed. It is submitted for consideration that from 1.9.2008 onwards, JCO/OR personnel are getting 3 financial upgradations in scale of higher rank under MACP scheme subject to fulfilment of certain prescribed conditions viz. eligible for promotion to next rank. These upgradations are considered if the personnel is stagnated in a particular rank for 8/16/24 years. However, rank of the personnel doesn’t get changed. The status of grant of MACP benefits to Defence personnel in the sample data of 2013 across three services are as follows:
Rank in Army & corresponding ranks in Navy & Air Force
Total retirees in rank
Retired with pay of substantive rank (without financial upgradation)
Retired with financial upgradation under MACP scheme
% of retirees getting MACP benefits
Art-III (Navy only)
Naib Subedar
Sub Major

It could be perused from the above that MACP benefit is not mandatory even after completing minimum service to earn the same. However, if benefit with reference to substantive rank is allowed by ignoring MACP benefits viz. personnel drawing higher grade pay due to MACP upgradations shall be compared with reference to substantive rank and not with reference to grade pay drawn, for determining average pension of 2013 retirees, the average increase in pension for Sepoy, Naik & Havildar further increases from Rs 1076, 1232 & 1293 to Rs 1434, 1576 & 1977 respectively. The financial liability earlier projected to MoD for implementation of OROP shall further increase as follows:   

Including PMR Cases (Rs in crores)
Excluding PMR Cases (Rs in crores) 

Annual financial implications
Arrears from 1.7.14 to 31.12.15
Annual fin implications
Arrears fro 1.7.14 to 31.12.15
Implications by comparing equal grade pay (earlier projected)
Implication w.r.t. substantive ranks ignoring financial upgradations

4.         In view of the above, a draft UO note to MoD is placed opposite for kind perusal and approval. MoD is being requested to expedite decision on the assumptions already conveyed to them vide our email dated 11.9.2015. For better understanding of the issues involved, matter has further been explained in the proposed draft except for the issue of inclusion of PMR under purview of OROP for which MoD has been requested to take a final view.

            Submitted please
SAO (AT/P)      Please see next page

Continued from previous page

5.         The points of assumption on OROP for preparation of tables for rates of pension forwarded through email from this HQ office to MoD on 11.9.2015 was discussed in the meeting chaired by RM at his room on 28.10.2015. It is directed in the meeting and JS (ESW) also intimated telephonically that this HQ may prepare a note elaborating the points of assumptions in the form of note for consideration of MoD.   

6.         In view of the above the required UO Note elaborating the points of assumptions on OROP for preparation of tables for rates of pensions is placed opposite for approval. Following 13 points of assumptions are due to form of data base year 2013 as in many ranks/groups/QS there were no retirements in the calendar year 2013.  

            (i)         Determination of pension with reference to entire data across three services
            (ii)        Method of calculation of pension across three services
            (iii)       Method for blank data in any particular ran/group of retirees in year 2013
            (iv)       Method where data of retiree in lower qualifying service for a rank in year 2013 is blank
(v)        Method where rates of proposed pension at lower qualifying service is higher than rates for higher qualifying service in the same rank/group
(vi)       Method where rates of proposed pension in higher ranks is lower than the rates for lower rank(s) with same qualifying service
            (vii)      MACP/ACP benefited personnel treated equivalent to rank drawing same grade pay
            (viii)     Linking of family pension with service pension
            (ix)       Linking of disability pension with service pension    
            (x)        Pension upto 33 years of service
            (xi)       Out layers will not be taken for proposed pension
            (xii)      OROP will be given to PMR case
            (xiii)     OROP to PSU absorbees

Out of which following three points are vital and decision of Government is necessary:

(i)         Whether OROP will be given to PMR case also or not. As per announcement made by the Govt for OROP, personnel retire voluntary/on his own request, are to be excluded from these benefits. But PM announced for inclusion of PMR case for OROP.
(ii)        Whether Out Layers will be taken/not taken for proposed pension. While reviewing the data of post 2006 retirees at different points of time in the past, it has been observed by Ministry that out layers should be removed from the data to determine revised pension. Methodology in this regard would be required. It is observed that out layers might be excluded by identifying cases getting benefit of higher pension due to various Court decisions, extra increments/out of turn promotions earned by individuals, cut in rates of pay/pension due to punishments, direct entry in higher ranks.    

(iii)       MACP/ACP benefited personnel treated equivalent to rank drawing same grade pay. From 1.9.2008 onwards, JCO/OR personnel are getting 3 financial upgradations in scale of higher rank under MACP scheme. These upgradations are allowed after 8/16/24 years. However, rank of the personnel doesn’t get changed. These pensioners will be considered with reference to the grade pay drawn after financial upgradation. Cases available in 2013 data will be segregated with reference to the grade pay and not with reference to rank last held. Thus personnel retire with higher grade pay due to financial upgradations will be considered with higher rank of determining revised pension.   

Submitted please                                                                                                        Sd/----------
                                                                                                                                    A K Malviya
                                                                                                                                    Accounts Officer
ACGDA (P)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
            This is with reference to discussions held in the o/o RM on 28.10.15 & subsequent telephonic conversation of JS (ESW) to forward assumptions duly indicating the effect of MACP benefits.

            Accordingly, all 13 assumptions have been re-worked out in affirmative form as also desired by the CGDA.

            A detailed exercise has been carried out for working out the effects of MACP benefits to those who otherwise would not be (have) earned MACP.

            Details as summarised in page 1 to 4 and in annexures placed opposite (p 38-48/e) bring out impact of inclusion of MACP benefit to all ranks across each category. An additional financial implication of Rs 3000/- (crore?) approx (with PMR) is expected with arrears.

            Final decision is also required on 3 main issues as in note 7 ante.

            Submitted for kind consideration and approval please. Draft UO note placed opposite to JS (ESW).
Rozy Agarwal
Addl CGDA (SKK) Sd/---- 4/11
                                    Sunil Kumar Kohli
                                    Addl CGDA     
CGDA   Discussed with Addl CGDA (SKK) and Jt CGDA (Pen) and AO (Pen). The reply may be redrafted as discussed alongwith comparative data of MACP.
5 Nov 15
Shobhana Joshi
Addl CGDA (SSK) Sd/------------- 5/11
Jt CGDA (Pen)              Sd/------ 5.11.15
SAO (AKM)                              Sd/----


Sir, the modified draft placed opposite as per discussion.
Submitted for approval                                                                                   Sd/---------6/11
                                                                                                                        (A K Malviya)
                                                                                                                        Accounts Officer
Jt CGDA (Pen)  Submitted for kind approval                            Sd/-------------
Addl CGDA (SKK)         Sd/--------------- 6/11
CGDA               With slight amendments        Sd/----------- 6 Nov 15

Note 7

Sub: Draft Govt Letter on ‘One Rank One Pension’ and tables

            We have received a letter from Pr CDA (P), Allahabad dt. 9.11.2015 alongwith a DGL on OROP containing pension rates of table on the above subject are placed opposite for kind perusal.

2.         During the examination of tables and DGL primarily following are observed: -

(i)         Tables prepared without taking any data of retirees with MACP or PBOR. In this context, during visit of the Sr SAO to PCDA (P) Allahabad as well as telephonically the matter was taken up with CDA (P) for inclusion of data of retirees with MACP with regular retirees of PBOR according to their Grade Pay. They are already on the job. 

(ii)        Tables are prepared for 20 years and above for commissioned officers and 15 years and above for PBOR only. The rates below these QS have not been assessed by the PSAs. But rates below these QS are also required for the revision of Invalid pension and Disability pension. If revision work below these QRs will be done by PSAs through Corr PPOs then the rated for lower QS will be required at PSAs level. If the rates for lower QS are not prepared at this juncture then it would be difficult to issue Corr PPOs for revision of OROP for the lower QS, as the rates of pension for OROP are survey based of live data of year 2013.

(iii)       The modus operandi for revision for OROP for lower QS below 20 years in case of Officers and below 15 years in case of PBOR and their procedure has not been given in the proposed DGL.

(iv)       All the assumption points referred to MoD by this HQ office have been included in the proposed DGL which does not seem to be proper. As approval of these assumptions are required for preparation of tables only being unavailability of data in base year 2013 for certain ranks and certain QS and some anomalies, which are not procedure points for implementation of OROP. This approval may also be required at later stage in RTI.

(v)        Rates of pension for OROP for the rank of regular Lieutenant and Captain in commissioned officer are left blank in the table, as there is no retiree for these ranks in 2013. But there may be cases in past in these ranks where revision will be required. The existing pension for a rank in commissioned officers varies from person to person, then minimum safeguard pension under modified parity issued by MoD dt. 3.9.2015 may be given in the table.

(vi)       The detailed procedure for implementation for Govt order on OROP and revision of pension under these orders are also required for inclusion in proposed DGL as in previous orders viz.GOM, 6th CPC,CSC-2009, CSC-2012.

Submitted for consideration
Sr AO (Pen)
A K Malviya
ACDGA (Pen)               Submitted for kind perusal and consideration please

C K Bhatjiwale

Jt CGDA (RA)   - The tables alongwith draft Govt letters as forwarded by the PCDA (P) has been scrutinised and observations have been brought out in para 2 above. These will be communicated to PCDA (P) for action thereupon.
From prev page

- The work relating to preparation needs to be expedited specially in view of the time frame given by PMO communicated vide JS (ESW) mail dt 10.11.15.

- Accordingly, we may convey the urgency to PCDA (P) to complete the preparation of tables after due & careful scrutiny & with certification on data. The exercise alongwith DGL be submitted to this HQ office by 25.11.15 to enable further verification by the pension wing.      

- MoD has already been reminded to confirm the assumptions on the basis of which tables can be finalised.
Submitted please.                                                                                           Sd/---------17.11.15
                                                                                                                        Rozy Agarwal
                                                                                                                        Jt CGDA (RA)
Addl CGDA (SKK) How these are different from earlier tables? Sd/-------
                                    As approved                Sd/------17/11
Jt CGDA (Pen)  Pl issue                        Sd/------------ 17.11.15
Sr AO (AKM)    Sd/----

Sir,       DFA is submitted for approval                                                Sd/----- 18/11
                                                                                                            A K Malviya
                                                                                                            Accounts Officer                    

As approved on pre page, a draft letter to PCDA (P) to expedite finalisation & submission of tables & DGL is placed opposite for kind consideration before issue.
Addl CGDA (SKK)         Sd/----------- 18/11
Jt CGDA (Pen)              Sd/----------- 18/11
Sr AO (AKM)                Letter issued   Sd/--------- 18/11
No. 5699/AT-P/OROP/Vol-III
Dated 26.11.2015
Sub: Detailing of an Officer to PCDA (P), Allahabad for OROP issues

            In the above context, it is submitted that Govt of India, MoD has issued notification of Implementation of OROP 0n 07.11.2015. Accordingly, the CGDA office has been entrusted by MoD to work out the revised rate of pension for implementation of OROP. The whole exercise of revised rate of pension for OROP is being carried out centrally at PCDA (P), Allahabad while incorporating data of other PSAs viz. PCDA (Navy) and CDA (AF). This HQ office instructed PCDA (P) Allahabad that the exercise of revised rate of pension based on authenticated data should be completed on or before 25.11.2015. There are frequent doubts arising during the processing of whole exercise of revised rate of pension for OROP on the part of PCDA (P) Allahabad. Some of them were sorted out telephonically by this HQ office. As of now, the whole exercise could not be completed by PCDA (P) Allahabad.   

2.         In view of the above, it is proposed that an officer who is dealing with the work of OROP in the HQ office may be detailed for a week to PCDA (P) Allahabad to sort out all doubts and discrepancies viewed as hindrance to complete the whole work on OROP.
Sr AO (Pen)                  Submitted please        Sd/--------------26/11
Jt CGDA (RA)               A number of issues/clarifications are being sought by PCDA (P) on preparation of OROP DGL.
It is proposed to detail Shri A K Malviya, Sr AO to PCDA (P) Allahabad w.e.f. 30.11.15 to 4.12.15 to assist the team in PCDA (P).
Addl CGDA (SKK)         Sd/------------ 26/11

Sub: Implementation of One Rank One Pension - reg

            It may be recalled that Government made announcement for One Rank One Pension on Defence Pensioners on 5.9.2015 followed by its notification issued by MoD vide their latter dated 7.11.2015. Consequent to the announcement certain assumptions were forwarded to MoD on 11.9.2015 followed by expeditor on 27.10.2015 and reiterated on 6.11.2015 for decision to enable us to prepare pension tables accordingly. The issues were also discussed in MoD in various meetings held on the subject, however, final decision of MoD is still awaited.

2.         Pr CDA (P) and other two PSAs were advised vide our letter dated 13.10.2015 and 14.10.2015 to identify the cases from their data base to prepare the revised pension tables for all pensioners drawing pension in various categories for implementation of OROP. For this purpose, the suggestion given to MoD on our assumptions were also provided to PSAs for incorporating the same while determining the rates of revised pension. For this purpose, Pr CDA (P) was suggested to constitute a board under the chairpersonship of CDA (P) to peruse, verify and work out detailed tables after thorough verification and check. 

3.         The pension tables and draft Government letter (DGL) were earlier received from Pr CDA (P) vide their letter dated 9.11.2015. Due to certain observations, Pr CDA (P) was suggested on 18.11.2015 for improving the pension tables. It was also advised on 2.12.2015 that the tables and DGL finalised by the board of officers shall be got accepted by Pr CDA (P) Allahabad before the same is forwarded to this HQ office for consideration. Sr AO (AT/P) was also detailed to Pr CDA (P) from 30.11.2015 to 4.12.2015 for expeditious finalisation of pension tables.

4.         The revised pension tables and along with DGL for implementation of OROP has been brought by the Sr AO detailed to Pr CDA (P) along with their letter dated 4.12.2015 and is placed opposite. Pr CDA (P) has intimated the assumptions taken at their end for finalising the DGL as well as pension tables. On preliminary scrutiny of the assumptions/DGL it reveals procedure for payment of Disability/War Injury pension and all kinds of family pensions have not been incorporated in para 11 of proposed DGL. For post July 2014 retirees, commutation of enhanced pension has also been suggested. No provisions have (been) found made for payment of arrears in instalments. Certain cases of honorary as well as Major rank has been excluded as out layers [refer para 2 (ix) and (xv) of Pr CDA (P) letter dated 4.12.2015].  

5.         In order to thoroughly verify the pension tables & DGL and also to confirm whether all the suggestions issued by this HQ office vide our letters cited above and

the provisions notified by MoD through their order dated 7.11.2015 have been duly considered and also to check the calculations, the following is proposed for consideration:

(i)         A core group of officers/staff may be formed in this HQ office whose composition shall be as under:

                        (a)        Shri A K Malviya Sr AO
                        (b)        Shri Krishan Kumar Sr AO
                        (c)        All the AAOs posted in AT/V section alongwith two Auditors.
            This group will verify the entire tables and DGL with 10 working days.

(ii)        Since pension tables prepared by Pr CDA (P) require a lot of formatting before the same is forwarded to MoD for consideration and issue, it is proposed that services of a person well versed in working of Excel would be required. It is proposed that Shri Anil Kumar AAO, presently posted in IFA Delhi Cantt who was earlier posted in AT/V Section and was closely associated with finalisation of various proposals and tables on OROP shall be attached for 15 days for this purpose (only after confirmation of assumptions by MoD).  

(iii)       It is also submitted for consideration that reps of three PSAs could be made part of the board for better understanding as they were involved in finalisation of tables or their services could be considered as required basis after review of the tables/DGL by the core group.

Submitted for consideration and orders please.                                                        Sd/--------------
                                                                                                            Rajesh Kumar Gupta SAO AT 
Jt CGDA (Pen)

Proposal as in sl no. (i) & (ii) above may be considered for approval to ensure proper verification of tables & DGL before case is forwarded to MoD for issue of Govt letter.

The confirmation on assumptions is however awaited from MoD.
Addl CGDA (SKK)         Sd/--------- 9/12


From prev page

            The issue at PSL ‘X’was discussed with JS (ESW) and accordingly email has been sent by her indicating the status of assumptions sent by this office. In view of the position brought out in the email the core group as proposed as para 5 (i) may commence verification of tables.

The file and all related papers should be classified as ‘Secret.’
10 Dec 15
Shobhana Joshi
Addl CGDA (SKK)         Sd/------- 10/12
Jt CGDA (Pen)  Sd/--------10.12.15

Action as above/ pl convene meeting of core group

Classified as Confidential/Secret.
Sr AO               As per discussion held in the chamber of Jt CGDA (Pen) on 11.12.2015, verification of tables/data has to be done by the teams constituted as follows:

Tables for PBOR:         Shri A K Malviya Sr AO,  Shri Krishan Kumar Sr AO, Shri Rameshwar Tripathi AAO, Shri Vipin Kumar Sharma Sr Aud   

Tables for Commissioned officers: Shri Rakesh Sharma Sr AO, Shri Rajesh Gupta, Shri S K Singh AAO, Shri Awadesh Srivastav AAO, Shri R S Mishra AAO Shri Rajeev Trivedi, Sr Aud. 
*          *          *          *          *          *
No. 12 (01)/2014/D(P/P)/Part-III
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

23rd December 2015

Office Memorandum

            Please find enclosed the record of discussions of the meeting held by the Defence Secretary on the arrangements to be made for the smooth functioning of the Judicial Committee on OROP headed by Justice L Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court on 11.12.2015 (Annexure I). It is further informed that Justice L Narasimha Reddy has assumed charge on 16.12.2015 and has had a preliminary meeting on 17.12.2015. Minutes of the meeting held by Justice L Narasimha Reddy on 17.12.2015 are enclosed as Annexure II. 

2.         It is requested to kindly take necessary action on each of the action points mentioned in the record of discussions of the meeting held by Justice L Narasimha Reddy.
K Damayanthi
Joint Secretary (ESW)
JS (E)
JS (Trg & CAO)
Copy to:
AS (R)
AS (J)

Record of Discussions of the meeting chaired by the Defence Secretary on the arrangements to be made for smooth functioning of the Judicial Committee on OROP headed by Justice L Narasimha Reddy, Retd Chief Justice of Patna High Court on 11.12.2015

List of participants is at annexure.

Based on the discussions, the Action Pints and decision taken on each of the Action Points is as follows: -

Action points
Decision taken
Temporary Accommodation
To be provided in Kota House (Naval Officers Mess
Residential Accommodation
The tenure of the Judicial Committee is only 6 months. As the Ministry of Urban Development may take a long time, JS (E) is to check the availability in the Defence pool and provide it out of the Defence pool. JS (ESW) is to check whether Residence-cum-Office is preferred or  separate office is to be preferred.  
Office Accommodation
If the preference is for separate office accommodation, Ministry of Urban Development is to be addressed for providing the accommodation in Vigyan Bhavan Annexe.
Personal Staff
Preference of the Justice L Narasimha Reddy to be taken and accordingly action if to be taken by MoD.
Based on the preference either hired or Government vehicle is to be provided.
Secretariat Support
As the issue is complex, good competent team is to be provided to support the Committee.
Provision of Budget, Office furniture, house furniture, contingent expenditure etc 
To be provided on priority by MoD to ensure smooth functioning of the Judicial Committee
Resource Persons
Good resource persons either retired from the Ministry or from CGDA Services to be identified and provided in consultation with FA (DS)

List of participants
1. Shri Prabhu Dayal Meena, Secretary, Deptt of ESW
2. Shri Ravi Kanth, Addl Secy, MoD
3. Shri Ashok Dongre JS (E), MoD
4. Ms Devika Raghuvanshi JS & Addl FA
5. Ms Damayanthi, JS Deptt of ESW

Minutes of the Meeting of One Member Judicial Committee on OROP headed by
Justice L Narasimha Reddy held at 2.30 PM today i.e. 17th December 2015

Venue: Varuna Naval Officers Mess Delhi

Preliminary meeting of the One Member Judicial Committee on OROP headed by Justice L Narasimha Reddy was held at 2.30PM  today i.e. 17th December 2015.

            The basic and salient features of the One Rank One Pension (OROP) and its other forms, dealt with the earlier have been explained in brief. Presentations were made independently from the point of view of: -

            (a)        Ministry of Defence
(b)        CGDA, and
            (c)        All three Defence Forces       

The following officers made their brief presentation from their point of view:

            1.         Shri Prabhu Dayal Meena, Secretary, Deptt of ESW, MoD
            2.         Smt K Damayanthi, JS (ESW), MoD
            3.         Shri Rozy Agarwal, Jt CGDA (Pension)
            4.         AVM SM Subhani, Chairman, Pay Commission Cell (Air Force)
            5.         RAdm Pradeep Joshi VSM, ACOP (AC), Chairman, Pay Commission Cell (Navy)
            6.         Brig A Kameshwar Rao, Pay Commission Cell (Army)

The copies of the reports of various Commissions/Group of Ministers constituted and which constituted the basis for extension of benefits to the retired Defence Forces personnel from time to time have been made available. The Committee acknowledges with thanks, the assistance extended to it by the officers of the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, CGDA and the representatives of Defence Forces.

3.         A detailed meeting and discussion would be held once the office is set up and the infrastructure is made available. It is also proposed to take the views of all the stakeholders such as recognised associations of the Ex-Servicemen on receipt of specific references from the Government.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
(EV Branch)

            Ministry of Defence (Finance) may please refer to their note on page 15/n, seeking approval of this Ministry on the 10 assumptions/methods proposed by CGDA and as examined by MoD and agreed to by MoD (Finance) as per Note 44 of their file No. 12 (1)/2015/D(P/P)/Pt II. 

2.         It is seen that these assumptions/methods have been worked out by MoD in order to implement the OROP as contained in their letter dated 7.11.2015.

3.         It is seen that this Ministry was not consulted before finalising the said letter dated 7.11.2015. However, this Ministry has no objection to the proposed assumptions as agreed to by MoD (Finance). MoD (Finance) would no doubt ensure that these assumptions are within the existing instructions regulating pension, as modified by the OROP letter dated 7.11.2015. 

4.         This issues with the approval of Finance Minister.
(Vivek Ashish)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Tel: 23095633
Ms Devika Raghuavanshi, Addl FA & JS, Ministry of Defence (Finance), Room No. 131-E, South Block New Delhi - 11
DoE ID Note No. 1(6)/EV/2015 dated 31.12.2015

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