Thursday, 20 July 2017

File Notings that preceded issue of Resolution 2 (E) for PBOR

File Notings Resolution 2 (E)

File No. 1(7)/2016/D (Pay/Services)
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)

Subject: Resolution containing decisions of Government on recommendations of VII CPC relating to PBORs of Armed Forces

          A copy of Department of Expenditure No. No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 28.6.2016 along with a copy of the minutes of meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016 has been received from Ministry of Finance, D/o Expenditure, Implementation Cell for implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – issue of Resolution and revised rules-reg. The previous Resolution issued by the Government at the time of 6th CPC is at Flag ‘A.’

2.       Some of the important recommendations in respect of the Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) are mentioned below: -         

(i)      Implementation of the revised pay structure will be w.e.f 01.01.2016;
(ii)      Pay related matter;
          (a)      Minimum pay would be Rs 18, 000/- p.m.;

          (b)     The existing system of Pay Ban and Grade Pay has been replaced with three separate Pay Matrices for Civil, Defence and Military Nursing Services personnel.

(c)      Fitment of each employee in the new Pay Matrix would be done by     multiplying his/her basic pay on the date of implementation by a factor of 2.57.

(d)     The minimum Pay at each Level corresponding to successive Grade Pay, from PB-2 onwards has been enhanced by a variable Index of Rationalisation (IOR) )ranging from 2.81 depending upon the increasing role, responsibility, and accountability. 

(e)      General recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been accepted without any material alteration.

iii.      Increase in Military Service Pay (MSP) of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) from Rs 2000/- to Rs 5200/- p.m would be counted only for Dearness Allowance

iv.      Rate of increment would be 3%. There will be two dates for grant of increment viz. 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion, or grant of financial upgradation.

v.       Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) would be referred to a committee comprising of Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Personnel and Training etc. Till a final decision on Allowances is  taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances would continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised w.e.f 1.1.2016 i.e., status quo would be maintained.

vi.      Arrears of Pay and Pensionary benefits would be paid during the current financial year.

vii.     Recommendations not relating to pay, pension and allowances and other administrative issues specific to department/cadres/posts would be examined by the concerned Ministries/Departments as per the Transaction Rules/Allocation of Business Rules.   

3.       We have not yet received the requisite resolution from Ministry of Finance regarding civilian personnel. The resolution to be issued by the MoD in respect of the Defence Personnel (Personnel Below Officer Rank) has been prepared in anticipation and placed opposite for consideration.
                                                                                      (Laxmi Balasubramanian)
SO D (Pay/Services)
US (P/S)                                  Sd/----------- 15.7.17
DS (AG-II)                              Sd/----------- 18/7
JS (E)                                       Sd/----------- (Ashok Dongre) 18.7.16
AS (R)                                      As proposed. 
JS (E)                                       Sd/---------- (Ashok Dongre) 20.7.16
DS (AG-II)                              Sd/-----------
US (P/S)                                  SD/------------
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)

Reference preceding notes:

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). The recommendations have been approved by the Cabinet with certain modifications in its meeting held on 29.6.2016. Ministry of Finance is in the process of issuing the resolution in respect of Defence employees. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016 is placed opposite at Flag ‘PUC.’ The previous Resolution issued by the Government at the time of 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) is at Flag ‘A.’ 

2.       It is further stated that, the resolution to be issued by the MoD in respect of Defence Personnel (Personnel Below Officer Rank) has been prepared in anticipation and has been approved by AS (R) vide note on page 2/N.

3.       In view of the above, we may refer the file to Defence (Finance) for their concurrence and vetting of the Draft Resolution placed opposite before the file is referred to Defence Secretary.
Laxmi 25/7/16
Section Officer (P/S)
US (P/S)     Sd/----------------- 25/7/16/
DS (AG-I)   Sd/-----------------26/7             
Def (Finance) DFA(AG) Sd/----------26/7/16
AFA (AG/PA)      As discussed, n. a. may be taken before the file is submitted to Secretary (DF) for approval of the draft resolution.              Sd/---------------02/8/16 
US (P/S)
Nine paragraphs missing

10.     Annexure II contains existing pay scales of Army officers (other than MNS) and their counterparts in Navy and Air Force. This Annexure does not appear necessary and may be deleted.

11.     The Pay Matrix with increased IOR for Level 13A and extended stages in 12A to 13A as are at Annexure –III and Pay Matrix for MNS officer are Annexure IV.

12.     As pointed out by AS (R) that after adding two stages in level 13 A, its maximum reaches 217600 which is more than level 13A of civilian Pay Matrix which is 21660. (A copy of civilian Pay Matrix is at F/A). This appears to disturb the parity with the CMPFs slightly. MoD is taking up this with MoF.
13.     It may also be relevant to state that after adding three stages in level 12A and 13 and two stages in level 13A, an officer would draw the maximum in level 12A and 13A would draw more emoluments and hence more pension than the senior officers in levels 14, 15, 16 and 17, as the former would be in receipt of MSP of Rs 15500/- p.m.

14.     The issues mentioned in paras 11 and 12 above may take time for resolving as it would involve wider consultations. These issue may be taken up with MoF later on. 

15.     In view of the above we may concur in the Draft Resolution as proposed by MoD.

AFA (AG/PA)      Sd/---------------- 28/07/16
DFA (AG)            Sd/--------- 1/8/16
Addl FA (RS) & JS          Draft Resolution of 7th CPC for officers or Armed Forces for approval pl.                   Sd/---------------1.8.2016

Secy (DF)    Resolution has since been issued by MoF. May take action on priority basis as already indicated in file on Defence Civilians.                      Sd/---------------------
1 Aug 16
Shobana Joshi
Secretary (Def/Fin)
Addl FA (RS).
-Pages 6 & 7/N-

File Reference 12012/1/2016/AG/PB
Defence Ministry (Finance)
AG/PA Division
Sub: Implementation of recommendations of VIIth CPC in respect of Defence Civilian employees – issue of notification regarding  

Reference: Note 1 recorded by the MoD/D (Civ.I) on their file No. 11(3)/2016/D (Civ. I) (hereinafter referred to as Main File (MF) placed below.

2.       On the above mentioned subject, MoD/D (Civ.I) vide their more no. 1/MF has submitted, with approval of JS (E), a draft Notifications to be issued in Extraordinary Gazette to make the new pay scales applicable to the Defence Civilians paid from Defence Services Estimates, for concurrence of this Division.   

3.       It has been stated in Note No. 1/MF that Ministry of Finance has issued on 25.07.2017 the following in connection with implementation of VIIth CPC recommendations:
          (a)      Notification on Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

(b)     The Resolution: - contains Government’s decision of the various recommendations of the VIIth CPC covering all Central Government employees, which included Defence Civilians. 

4.       MoD/D(Civ.I) has also stated that as such, there is no need to issue separate Resolution in this regard by MoD. As per past practice, MoD/D(Civ.I) simply circulate the Resolution for application in the case of Defence Civilians paid from the Defence Services Estimates.

5.       As the Notification containing Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 is applicable only in the case of employees whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates, a separate notification in respect of civilian personnel paid from the Defence Services Estimates is required to be issued by the Ministry of Defence. The Revised Pay Rules issued by the Ministry of Finance have the following components: - 

          (i)      The main Revised Pay Rules;
          (ii)      Part A – containing Revised Pay Structure for posts carrying present Pay Bands and Grade Pays in Group ‘A’, ‘B’, &  ‘C’ except posts for which different revised scales are notified separately (Section I) and also entry pay in the revised pay structure for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2016.  

(iii)     Part B – containing revised pay structure for Medical and Paramedical services and common categories of staff.

(iv)     Part C – containing revised pay structure for certain posts in Ministries,         Departments and Union Territories, including Ministry of Defence.  

6.       In the draft Notification for the Revised Pay Rules for the Defence Civilians, MoD/D (Civ. I) has included Part A and part B of the notification issued by the Ministry of Finance. In respect of Part C in the draft Notification, MoD/D (Civ. I) has included only the portion concerning Ministry of Defence.  

7.       The draft Notification has been gone trhough carefully and it seems in order. It fully resembles with Notification No. GSR-721/E dated 25.07.2016 issued by the Ministry of Finance (DoE). Therefore, the draft Notification may be concurred in by this Division. Therefore, the file is being submitted for seeking concurrence of Secretary (Defence Finance) thereafter, it would be put up for approval of Defence Secretary.

8.                  Submitted please.
Sd/------------------- 01.08.2016
AFA (AG/PA) Sd/---------------- 01/08/16
Addl FA (RS) & JS          Draft notification of Defence Civilians employees of VII CPC for approval                          Sd/-------------1.8.2016
-Page 8/N-
Secy (Def.Fin)                 As discussed draft notification should be authenticated on each page by MoD and simultaneous vetting can be done by MoD (Fin) again duly authenticating each page. Thereafter it can be put up for concurrence at my level. We also spoke. This maybe done on priority.               
1 Aug 16
Shobhana Joshi
Secretary (Def.Fin)
Addl FA (RS)
-Page 9/N-
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)
Subject: Resolution containing decisions of Government on recommendations of VII CPC relating to Officers of the Armed Forces

This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) in respect of Defence Personnel (PBOR). The Ministry of Finance has already issued the Resolution on 25.7.2016 (Copy at Flag/’B’).

2.       Vide Note at Page-4/ante, Defence (Finance) has submitted the file for concurrence. As telephonically informed by AFA (AG/PA), all pages of the Resolution need to be authenticated, before concurrence is given.

3.                  The file is submitted to DS (AG) for necessary action, please.
Section Officer (P/S)
US (P/S) on leave
DS (AG)                                  Sd/------------ 2/8

Def (Fin- AG/PA)

-Page 10/N-
Ministry of Defence (Finance)

Subject: Resolution containing decisions of Government on recommendations of VII CPC relating to Personnel Below Officer Rank of Armed Forces.

2.       The proposal of Mod regarding draft Resolution for implementation of the Cabinet decision on recommendations of the VII CPC relating to Officers of the Armed Forces has been examined in this Division and the same has been concurred.

3.       This issues with the approval of Secretary (Defence Finance).

(Subhash Chander)
MoD/D (P/S)
MoD(Fin)/1(2)/2016-AG (316-PA) dated 03.08.2016

-Page 11/N-
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)

Reference Defence (Finance) Note at Page-10/N. 

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). A copy of Department of Expenditure Note no. 1-2/2016-IC dated 28.6.2016 along with copy of the minutes of meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016 has been received from Ministry of Finance, D/0 Expenditure, Implementation Cell for implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – issue of Resolution and revised rules – reg. The previous Resolution issued by the Government at the time of 6th CPC is at Flag/’A.’  The Ministry of Finance has issued the Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC on 25.7.2016 (Copy at Flag/’B.’)

2.       Some of the important recommendations in respect of the Defence Personnel (PBOR) are mentioned below: -
(i)      Implementation of the revised pay structure will be w.e.f 01.01.2016;

(ii)      Pay related matter;

(a)      The existing system of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been replaced with separate Pay Matrices for both Defence and Military Nursing Services personnel.

(b)             Fitment of each employee in the new Pay Matrix would be done by multiplying his/her basic pay on the date of implementation by a factor of 2.57.

Note-1        With regard to fixation of pay in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31.12.2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level corresponding to employee’s Grade Pay in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.

Note -2       After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in Note-1 above, the subsequent increments shall be at the immediate next Cell in that Level.
-Page 12/N-

®       General recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been accepted with the following exceptions in Defence Pay Matrix in order to maintain parity in pay with Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs).

3.                  The index of Rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defence Pay Matrix may be revised upward from 2.57 to 2.67.

3.                  Additional 3 stages in Levels 12A (Lt Col), 3 stages in Level 13 (Colonel) and 2 stages in Level 13A (Brigadier) may be added appropriately in the Defence Pay Matrix.

iii.      Increase in Military Service Pay (MSP) of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) from Rs 2000/- to Rs 5200/- p.m. MSP would be counted only for Dearness Allowance (DA) and Pension purposes; 

iv.      There will be two dates for grant of increment viz, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of the existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation;    

3.                  Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) would be referred to a Committee comprising Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Personnel & Training etc. The Committee would submit its report within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances would continue to be paid at existing rates in the existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised w.e.f. 1.1.2016 i.e. status quo would be maintained. 

                   vi.      Arrears of Pay would be paid during the current financial year.

vii.     Recommendations not relating to pay and allowances and other administrative issues specific to department/cadres/posts would be examined separately as per the Transaction of Business Rules/Allocation of Business Rules.

3.       It is further stated that after examining the minutes of meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016, a draft Resolution was prepared in anticipation and submitted for approval. The proposal has been approved by AS ® vide Note -2/N. Subsequently, the file was sent to Defence (Finance) for their concurrence and vetting of the Draft Resolution vide Note 3/N. However, Defence (Finance) vide their Note on page 4/N returned the file stating that the Resolution needs to be authenticated before concurrence is given. Vide note on page 9/N the file was again sent to Defence (Finance) after authentication of Resolution for vetting of the draft Resolution in respect of Defence Personnel (PBOR). Now, Defence (Finance) has given its concurrence vide their Note (Note Page 9/N) dated 3.8.2016.

4.       In view of the above, the file is submitted for kind approval of Defence Secretary. Thereafter, the file will be referred to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell) for vetting the Resolution.
Section Officer (P/S)
US (P/S)  on leave
DS (AG-II) Def (Finance) have vetted draft resolution. The file is submitted for kind approval of Secretary (Defence) please.                  Sd/------------------ 4/8/16
JS (E)           Sd/---------- 4/8/16
                   (V Anandarajan) JS (Estt)/CAO 

AS (K)         Sd/------------- (Suresh Kumar) AS (K) & CVO 4.8.16

Defence Secretary           Appd           Sd/-------- 8/8/16

JS (E)           Sd/------------ 8/8/16
DS (AG-II) Sd/------------- 8/8/
US (P/S)     Sd/----------9/8/16
SO (P/S)     Sd/---------- 9/8
Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure (IC Cell)         Sd/-----------9/8/2016
Director (IC)
-Page 14/N-


          This is with reference to Ministry of Defence notings on F No. 1(7)/2016/D (P/S) and  F No. 1(6)/2016/D (P/S) regarding (i) Resolution for Defence personnel (PBOR) and (ii) Resolution for Defence Personnel (Officers). 

2.       The details given in tables in column 4 of Annexure –I of the drafts may not be required. Accordingly, these columns may be redrafted by incorporating the language as mentioned in the relevant paras of the report of 7th CPC and decisions of the Cabinet thereon. Some other minor changes have been indicated in the drafts in pencil. 

3.       These drafts may be modified with suggested corrections. While issuing these notifications, MoD may ensure that the same are in consonance with the approval of the Cabinet.

4.       MoD may also get these drafts vetted by Legislative Department.
(Vijay K. Singh)
Director (IC)
Ministry of Defence (Shri V Anandarajan, Joint Secretary) South Block, New Delhi
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance ID No.30-11(1)/2016-IC/Pt dated 18.08.2016.

-Page 15/N-

Ref: Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure (IC) Note at page 12/N 

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). In this connection detailed notings from page 10/N may kindly be recalled.  

2.       Def (Finance) has vetted the Draft Resolution vide their Notes at page 9/N. The file was thereafter referred to the Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure with approval of Defence Secretary.

3.       We have now received the file from the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Implementation Cell who vide their Note at Page 12/N have suggested minor changes, which are as follows: -
1.       Vide para 2 of MoF noting, the details given in table in column 4 of Annexure –I of these drafts may not be required. Accordingly, these columns may be redrafted by incorporating the language as mentioned in the relevant paras of the report of 7th CPC and decisions of the Cabinet thereon. Some other minor changes have been indicated in the drafts in pencil.

4.       Column 4 of Annexure -1 of the Draft Resolution in r/o Officers as well as PBORs may be deleted. However, it may be mentioned here that the contents of Column 4 have already been incorporated in the succeeding columns as well as in the Annexure II, for example 
          a.       Military Service Pay has already been indicated in column 3.

          b.       Post and levels have been shown in Annexure II i.e. Defence Pay Matrix.

          c.       Group X pay in column 5 for PBOR.

5.       In view of the above the file may now be submitted to LA (Defence) for vetting of the two Draft Resolutions i.e. in respect of Defence Forces (Officers) as well as PBORs (DFA–I and DFA-II).
SO (P/S)
US (P/S)               Sd/--------------- 19.8.16
Dir (AG-I) on leave
JS (E) Sd/------------- V Ananadarajan (JS Estt/CAO)
LA (Defence)        Sd/------------- 22/8/16

-Page 16/N-
File No. 1(7)/2016/D(P/S)
Dy No. 1642/XVI/LA(DEF)
Ministry of Law & Justice
Office of LA (DEF)

          The administrative Ministry has forwarded draft resolutions for F/X and F/Y for our vetting.

2.       As per policy in vogue, we do vetting of draft counter affidavit duly prepared by Govt Counsel, which is to be filed in court and not of Executive orders/notifications/notices/draft resolutions etc. Notwithstanding the same, we have examined the draft and it appears to be in order, however, factual accuracy may please be ensured before issuance of the same.
(Deepak Bansal)
Wg Cdr
Legal Officer
JS(E/CAO)  On trg
Dir (AG-I)  Sd/--------- 23/8
US (P/S)
-Page 17/N-

Reference preceding notes.

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). In this connection detailed notings from page 10/N may be recalled.

2.       Def (Finance) has vetted the Draft Resolution vide their Notes at page-9/N. The file was thereafter referred to Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure with the approval of Secretary (Defence) (page 11/N). Ministry of Finance (MoF), Implementation Cell vide their Note at Page 12/N suggested some minor changes, which have been incorporated in the Draft Resolution. Thereafter the file was referred to LA (Defence) for vetting of the two Draft Resolutions i.e. in respect of Defence Forces (Officers) as well as PBORs. LA (Defence) vide their Note on page 14/anter have stated that they usually vet only Draft counter affidavit and not Executive orders/notifications/notices/draft resolutions etc. However LA (Defence) have stated that the Draft Resolution is in order and factually accuracy may kindly be ensured.  

3.       The ministry of Finance vide Para 2 of their noting on Page 12/N have stated that the details given in tables in column 4 of Annexure-I of these drafts may not be required. Accordingly, these columns may be redrafted by incorporating the language as mentioned in relevant paras of the report of 7th CPC and decisions of the Cabinet thereon. Some other minor changes have been indicated in the drafts in pencil.

4.       Accordingly Column 4 of Annexure –I of the Draft Resolution in r/o Officers as well as PBORs have been deleted. However it may be mentioned here that the contents of Column 4 have already been incorporated in the succeeding columns as well as in the Annexure II, for example 
          a.       Military Service Pay has already been indicated in column 3.

b.       Grade Pay and levels have been shown in Annexure II i.e. Defence Pay Matrix.

          c.       Group X pay in column 5 for PBOR.

5.       Column 6 has been deleted by the Ministry of Finance, IC Cell. The components of MSP for MNS Officers indicated in column 6 have been incorporated in column 3 by adding the phrase, “and Rs 10,800/- for Nursing Officers.” 

-Page 16/N-


6.       It may be stated here that following changes may also be incorporated in the Draft Resolution for Officers:
          i.        The phrase “in order to maintain parity in pay with Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs)” in Para 3 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance No. I-2/2016-IC dated 25-7-2016 has been objected to by the Services. In this regard, a DO letter has already been issued from Hon’ble Raksha Mantri to the Finance Minister for expunging the phrase from Para 3 of the Government Resolution for Civilians (copy placed at Flag C). The phrase has also been included in MoD’s Draft Resolution for Officers in Para 1 ii (c) and S No. 1 of Annexure –I. In view of the objection raised by the Services and also that the Finance Ministry has been apprised of the same in the form of a DO letter, we may also expunge the phrase from MoD’s Draft Resolution for Officers, as removing this phrase will not tantamount to any alteration in the crux of the matter.    

ii.       The D/o Pensions & Pensioners Welfare vide item No. 12 of their Resolution No. 38/37/2016-P&PW (A) dated 4.8.2016 (copy placed at Flag-D) have included the provisions for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation for both Civil and Defence Forces Personnel. MoD (Pay/Services) would be issuing a separate order on this component. In view of the above, the component of ex-gratia in column 5 of Annexure-I of the Draft Resolution may be deleted in order to avoid any duplicity (sic). 

7.       Kind approval of Defence Secretary is solicited for the revised two Draft Resolutions (DFA-I (Officers) and DFA-II (PBOR) in both English and Hindi which is placed opposite.

                                                                                                          Laxmi 24/8/16
                                                                                                          SO (P/S)
US (P/S)               Sd/----------- 24/8/16
Dir (AG-I)            Sd/-----------24/8
JS (E) – on leave
JS (PG/Coord)      Sd/-----------26/8
AS (R)         DFAs’ including I and II (for PBOR) including annexures may be approved. Sd/-------------29/8/16
Defence Secretary           Now that MoF has brought about the requisite amendments, the drafts may be issued (DFA I & II).               Sd/-----------------1.9.2016

AS (K)         Sd/--------1.9.16
JS (E)           Out of Station
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/----------1/9
US (P/S)     Sd/----------1/9/16
SO (P/S)     Sd/--------- 2/9/16


Ref Notes from pre-page

Fair copies (4 each for Officers and 4 for PBORs) are placed below for signatures.
Sd/-------- 2/9/16
US (P/S)     Sd/--------- 2/9/16
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/----------2/9/16
JS (ES) – On trg
AS (K)         US may sign and issue Sd/---------

Dir (AG-I) Sd/---------3/9/16
US (P/S)

Reference preceding notes of AS(K) on previous page.

On inquiry from Implementation Cell, MoF and D (Coord), MoD, it has been telephonically learned that a document to be published in Gazette of India Extraordinary has to be signed by an officer not below the level of JS. Fair copies (three copies each for Officers and PBORs) are placed below for signatures of JS (E) please.
US (P/S)
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/------------- 5/9
JS (E)           Sd/-------------5/9/16
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/-------------5/9/16
US (P/S)     Sd/-------------5/9
*        *        *        *        *        *
///////////////TRUE TYPED COPY\\\\\\\\\\\\

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

File notings that preceded issue of Resolution No. 1 (E) dated 05 Sep 16 - Revised Pay Armed Forces Officers

For Veteran's information: Resolution 2 (E) for PBOR is being typed at my slow speed and needs to be vetted before being posted on this blog. Please bear with me.

                                                                      *      *      *      *       *
File Notings Resolution 1 (E)

File No. 1(6)/2016/D (Pay/Services)
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)

Subject: Resolution containing decisions of Government on recommendations of VII CPC relating to Officers of Armed Forces

          A copy of Department of Expenditure No. No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 28.6.2016 along with a copy of the minutes of meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016 has been received from Ministry of Finance, D/o Expenditure, Implementation Cell for implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – issue of Resolution and revised rules-reg. The previous Resolution issued by the Government at the time of 6th CPC is at Flag ‘A.’

2.       Some of the important recommendations in respect of the Defence Personnel (Officers) are mentioned below: -        

(i)      Implementation of the revised pay structure will be w.e.f 01.01.2016;
(ii)      Pay related matter;
          (a)      Minimum pay would be Rs 18, 000/- p.m.;

          (b)     The existing system of Pay Ban and Grade Pay has been replaced with three separate Pay Matrices for Civil, Defence and Military Nursing Services personnel.

(c)      Fitment of each employee in the new Pay Matrix would be done by    multiplying his/her basic pay on the date of implementation by a factor of 2.57.

(d)     The minimum Pay at each Level corresponding to successive Grade Pay, from PB-2 onwards has been enhanced by a variable Index of Rationalisation (IOR) )ranging from 2.81 depending upon the increasing role, responsibility, and accountability. 

(e)      General recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been accepted without any material alteration with the following exceptions in the Defence Pay Matrix in order to maintain parity in pay with Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs):

i.        The Index of Rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defence Pay Matrix may be revised upward from 2.57 to 2.67. 

ii.       Additional 3 stages in Level 12 A (Lt Col), 3 stages in Level 13 (Colonel) and 2 stages in Level 13A (Brigadier) may be added appropriately in the Defence Pay Matrix.  

iii.      Increase in Military Service Pay (MSP) of Officers Rank from Rs 6000/- to Rs 15500/- p.m and for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers from Rs 4200/- to Rs 10800/- p.m. MSP would be counted only for Dearness Allowance

iv.      Rate of increment would be 3%. There will be two dates for grant of increment viz. 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion, or grant of financial upgradation.

v.       Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) would be referred to a committee comprising of Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Personnel and Training etc. Till a final decision on Allowances is  taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances would continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised w.e.f 1.1.2016 i.e., status quo would be maintained.

vi.      Arrears of Pay and Pensionary benefits would be paid during the current financial year.

vii.     Recommendations not relating to pay, pension and allowances and other administrative issues specific to department/cadres/posts would be examined by the concerned Ministries/Departments as per the Transaction Rules/Allocation of Business Rules.   

3.       We have not yet received the requisite resolution from Ministry of Finance regarding civilian personnel. The resolution to be issued by the MoD in respect of the Defence Personnel (Officers) has been prepared in anticipation and placed opposite for consideration.
                                                                                      (Laxmi Balasubramanian)
SO D (Pay/Services)
US (P/S)                                  Sd/----------- 15.7.17
DS (AG-II)                              Sd/----------- 18/7
JS (E)                                       Sd/----------- (Ashok Dongre) 18.7.16
AS (R)                                      As proposed. 
2. However, under 13A, the maximum if 217600 whereas for the civ it is 216600. Sd/----------20.7.16   
JS (E)                                       Sd/---------- (Ashok Dongre) 20.7.16
DS (AG-II)                              Sd/-----------
US (P/S)                                  SD/------------
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)

Reference preceding notes:

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). The recommendations have been approved by the Cabinet with certain modifications in its meeting held on 29.6.2016. Ministry of Finance is in the process of issuing the resolution in respect of Civilian employees. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016 is placed opposite at Flag ‘PUC.’ The previous Resolution issued by the Government at the time of 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) is at Flag ‘A.’ 

2.       It is further stated that, the resolution to be issued by the MoD in respect of Defence Personnel (Officers) has been prepared in anticipation and has been approved by AS (R) vide note on page 2/N. The observations of AS (R) regarding column 13A (for Brigadier/equivalent) is being taken up with Ministry of Finance separately.         

3.       In view of the above, we may refer the file to Defence (Finance) for their concurrence and vetting of the Draft Resolution placed opposite before the file is referred to Defence Secretary.
Laxmi 25/7/16
Section Officer (P/S)
US (P/S)     Sd/----------------- 25/7/16/
DS (AG-I)   Sd/-----------------26/7             
Def (Finance) DFA(AG) Sd/----------26/7/16
AFA (AG/PA)      As discussed, n. a. may be taken before the file is submitted to Secretary (DF) for approval of the draft resolution.              Sd/---------------02/8/16 
US (P/S)
Nine paragraphs missing

10.     Annexure II contains existing pay scales of Army officers (other than MNS) and their counterparts in Navy and Air Force. This Annexure does not appear necessary and may be deleted.

11.     The Pay Matrix with increased IOR for Level 13A and extended stages in 12A to 13A as are at Annexure –III and Pay Matrix for MNS officer are Annexure IV.

12.     As pointed out by AS (R) that after adding two stages in level 13 A, its maximum reaches 217600 which is more than level 13A of civilian Pay Matrix which is 21660. (A copy of civilian Pay Matrix is at F/A). This appears to disturb the parity with the CMPFs slightly. MoD is taking up this with MoF.
13.     It may also be relevant to state that after adding three stages in level 12A and 13 and two stages in level 13A, an officer would draw the maximum in level 12A and 13A would draw more emoluments and hence more pension than the senior officers in levels 14, 15, 16 and 17, as the former would be in receipt of MSP of Rs 15500/- p.m.

14.     The issues mentioned in paras 11 and 12 above may take time for resolving as it would involve wider consultations. These issue may be taken up with MoF later on. 

15.     In view of the above we may concur in the Draft Resolution as proposed by MoD.

AFA (AG/PA)      Sd/---------------- 28/07/16
DFA (AG)            Sd/--------- 1/8/16
Addl FA (RS) & JS          Draft Resolution of 7th CPC for officers or Armed Forces for approval pl.                   Sd/---------------1.8.2016
Secy (DF)    Resolution has since been issued by MoF. May take action on priority basis as already indicated in file on Defence Civilians.                     Sd/---------------------
1 Aug 16
Shobana Joshi
Secretary (Def/Fin)
Addl FA (RS).
-Pages 6 & 7/N-

File Reference 12012/1/2016/AG/PB
Defence Ministry (Finance)
AG/PA Division
Sub: Implementation of recommendations of VIIth CPC in respect of Defence Civilian employees – issue of notification regarding  

Reference: Note 1 recorded by the MoD/D (Civ.I) on their file No. 11(3)/2016/D (Civ. I) (hereinafter referred to as Main File (MF) placed below.

2.       On the above mentioned subject, MoD/D (Civ.I) vide their more no. 1/MF has submitted, with approval of JS (E), a draft Notifications to be issued in Extraordinary Gazette to make the new pay scales applicable to the Defence Civilians paid from Defence Services Estimates, for concurrence of this Division.   

3.       It has been stated in Note No. 1/MF that Ministry of Finance has issued on 25.07.2017 the following in connection with implementation of VIIth CPC recommendations:
          (a)      Notification on Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

(b)     The Resolution: - contains Government’s decision of the various recommendations of the VIIth CPC covering all Central Government employees, which included Defence Civilians. 

4.       MoD/D(Civ.I) has also stated that as such, there is no need to issue separate Resolution in this regard by MoD. As per past practice, MoD/D(Civ.I) simply circulate the Resolution for application in the case of Defence Civilians paid from the Defence Services Estimates.

5.       As the Notification containing Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 is applicable only in the case of employees whose pay is debitable to Civil Estimates, a separate notification in respect of civilian personnel paid from the Defence Services Estimates is required to be issued by the Ministry of Defence. The Revised Pay Rules issued by the Ministry of Finance have the following components: - 

          (i)      The main Revised Pay Rules;
          (ii)      Part A – containing Revised Pay Structure for posts carrying present Pay Bands and Grade Pays in Group ‘A’, ‘B’, &  ‘C’ except posts for which different revised scales are notified separately (Section I) and also entry pay in the revised pay structure for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2016.  

(iii)     Part B – containing revised pay structure for Medical and Paramedical services and common categories of staff.

(iv)     Part C – containing revised pay structure for certain posts in Ministries,         Departments and Union Territories, including Ministry of Defence.  

6.       In the draft Notification for the Revised Pay Rules for the Defence Civilians, MoD/D (Civ. I) has included Part A and part B of the notification issued by the Ministry of Finance. In respect of Part C in the draft Notification, MoD/D (Civ. I) has included only the portion concerning Ministry of Defence.  

7.       The draft Notification has been gone trhough carefully and it seems in order. It fully resembles with Notification No. GSR-721/E dated 25.07.2016 issued by the Ministry of Finance (DoE). Therefore, the draft Notification may be concurred in by this Division. Therefore, the file is being submitted for seeking concurrence of Secretary (Defence Finance) thereafter, it would be put up for approval of Defence Secretary.

8.                  Submitted please.
Sd/------------------- 01.08.2016
AFA (AG/PA) Sd/---------------- 01/08/16
Addl FA (RS) & JS          Draft notification of Defence Civilians employees of VII CPC for approval                         Sd/-------------1.8.2016
-Page 8/N-
Secy (Def.Fin)                 As discussed draft notification should be authenticated on each page by MoD and simultaneous vetting can be done by MoD (Fin) again duly authenticating each page. Thereafter it can be put up for concurrence at my level. We also spoke. This maybe done on priority.              
1 Aug 16
Shobhana Joshi
Secretary (Def.Fin)
Addl FA (RS)
-Page 9/N-
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)
Subject: Resolution containing decisions of Government on recommendations of VII CPC relating to Officers of the Armed Forces

This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) in respect of Defence Personnel (Officers). The Ministry of Finance has already issued the Resolution on 25.7.2016 (Copy at Flag/’B’).

2.       Vide Note at Page-4/ante, Defence (Finance) has submitted the file for concurrence. As telephonically informed by AFA (AG/PA), all pages of the Resolution need to be authenticated, before concurrence is given.

3.                  The file is submitted to DS (AG) for necessary action, please.
Section Officer (P/S)
US (P/S) on leave
DS (AG)                                  Sd/------------ 2/8

Def (Fin- AG/PA)

-Page 10/N-
Ministry of Defence (Finance)

Subject: Resolution containing decisions of Government on recommendations of VII CPC relating to Officers of Armed Forces.

2.       The proposal of Mod regarding draft Resolution for implementation of the Cabinet decision on recommendations of the VII CPC relating to Officers of the Armed Forces has been examined in this Division and the same has been concurred.

3.       However, as pointed out by AS (R) that after adding two stages in level 13A, its maximum reaches 217600 which is more than the level 13A of civilian Pay Matrix which is 216600. This appears to disturb the parity with the CMPFs slightly. MoD is taking this up with MoF.

4.       It may also be relevant to state that after adding three stages in level 12A and level 13 and two stages in level 13A, an officer drawing at the maximum level in level 12, 13 and 13A would draw more emoluments and hence pension than the senior officers in level 14, 15, 16 and 17 as the former would be in receipt of MSP of Rs 15500/- p.m. which is counted for DA and pension purpose.

4.                  This issues with the approval of Secretary (Defence/Finance).
(Subhash Chander)
DS (AG), MoD
MoD(Fin)/1(2)/2016-AG (316-PA) dated 03.08.2016

-Page 11/N-
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)

Reference Defence (Finance) Note at Page-10/N. 

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). A copy of Department of Expenditure Note no. 1-2/2016-IC dated 28.6.2016 along with copy of the minutes of meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016 has been received from Ministry of Finance, D/0 Expenditure, Implementation Cell for implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) – issue of Resolution and revised rules – reg. The previous Resolution issued by the Government at the time of 6th CPC is at Flag/’A.’  The Ministry of Finance has issued the Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC on 25.7.2016 (Copy at Flag/’B.’)

2.       Some of the important recommendations in respect of the Defence Personnel (Officers) are mentioned below: -
(i)      Implementation of the revised pay structure will be w.e.f 01.01.2016;

(ii)      Pay related matter;

(a)      The existing system of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been replaced with separate Pay Matrices for both Defence and Military Nursing Services personnel.

(b)             Fitment of each employee in the new Pay Matrix would be done by multiplying his/her basic pay on the date of implementation by a factor of 2.57.

Note-1        With regard to fixation of pay in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31.12.2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level corresponding to employee’s Grade Pay in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.

Note -2       After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in Note-1 above, the subsequent increments shall be at the immediate next Cell in that Level.
-Page 12/N-

®       General recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been accepted with the following exceptions in Defence Pay Matrix in order to maintain parity in pay with Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs).

3.                  The index of Rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defence Pay Matrix may be revised upward from 2.57 to 2.67.

3.                  Additional 3 stages in Levels 12A (Lt Col), 3 stages in Level 13 (Colonel) and 2 stages in Level 13A (Brigadier) may be added appropriately in the Defence Pay Matrix.

iii.      Increase in Military Service Pay (MSP) of Officers Rank from Rs 6000/- to Rs 15500/- p.m. and for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers from Rs 4200/- to Rs 10800/- p.m. MSP would be counted only for Dearness Allowance (DA) and Pension purposes; 

iv.      There will be two dates for grant of increment viz, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of the existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation;    

3.                  Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) would be referred to a Committee comprising Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Personnel & Training etc. The Committee would submit its report within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances would continue to be paid at existing rates in the existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised w.e.f. 1.1.2016 i.e. status quo would be maintained. 

                   vi.      Arrears of Pay would be paid during the current financial year.

vii.     Recommendations not relating to pay and allowances and other administrative issues specific to department/cadres/posts would be examined separately as per the Transaction of Business Rules/Allocation of Business Rules.

3.       It is further stated that after examining the minutes of meeting of Cabinet held on 29.6.2016, a draft Resolution was prepared in anticipation and submitted for approval. The proposal has been approved by AS ® vide Note -2/N. However, it was observed by AS ® that in the Defence Pay Matrix under Column 13A (for Brigadier/equivalent), after extending the maximum level to a further 2 levels as per Cabinet decision, it becomes Rs 2,17,600/- while for the same level in the Civilian Pay Matrix it is Rs 2,16,600/- . The same has been taken up with Ministry of Finance separately and the Implementation Cell/Ministry of Finance has been intimated vide MoD ID Note dated 27.7.2016. Subsequently, the file was sent to Defence (Finance) for their concurrence and vetting of the Draft Resolution.  

-Page 13/N-

4.       However, Defence (Finance) vide their Note on page 4/N returned the file stating that the Resolution needs to be authenticated before concurrence is given. Vide note on page 9/N the file was again sent to Defence (Finance) after authentication of Resolution for vetting of the draft Resolution in respect of Defence Personnel (Officers). Now, Defence (Finance) has given its concurrence vide their U.O. Note No. 316-PA dated 3.8.2016.

5.       In view of the above, the file is submitted for kind approval of Defence Secretary. Thereafter, the file will be referred to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell) for vetting the Resolution.
Section Officer (P/S)
US (P/S)  on leave
DS (AG-II) Def (Finance) have vetted draft resolution. The file is submitted for kind approval of Secretary (Defence) please.                 Sd/------------------ 4/8/16
JS (E)          Sd/---------- 4/8/16
                   (V Anandarajan) JS (Estt)/CAO 

AS (K)         Sd/------------- 4.8.16

Defence Secretary           Please discuss Sd/-------6/8
                                      Discussed. Appd   Sd/-------- 8/8/16

JS (E)          Sd/------------ 8/8/16
DS (AG-II) Sd/------------- 8/8/
US (P/S)     Sd/----------9/8/16
SO (P/S)     Sd/---------- 9/8
Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure (IC Cell)         Sd/-----------9/8/2016
Director (IC)
-Page 14/N-


          This is with reference to Ministry of Defence notings on F No. 1(7)/2016/D (P/S) and  F No. 1(6)/2016/D (P/S) regarding (i) Resolution for Defence personnel (PBOR) and (ii) Resolution for Defence Personnel (Officers). 

2.       The details given in tables in column 4 of Annexure –I of the drafts may not be required. Accordingly, these columns may be redrafted by incorporating the language as mentioned in the relevant paras of the report of 7th CPC and decisions of the Cabinet thereon. Some other minor changes have been indicated in the drafts in pencil. 

3.       These drafts may be modified with suggested corrections. While issuing these notifications, MoD may ensure that the same are in consonance with the approval of the Cabinet.

4.       MoD may also get these drafts vetted by Legislative Department.
(Vijay K. Singh)
Director (IC)
Ministry of Defence (Shri V Anandarajan, Joint Secretary) South Block, New Delhi
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance ID No.30-11(1)/2016-IC/Pt dated 18.08.2016.

-Page 15/N-

Ref: Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure (IC) Note at page 12/N 

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). In this connection detailed notings from page 10/N may kindly be recalled.  

2.       Def (Finance) has vetted the Draft Resolution vide their Notes at page 9/N. The file was thereafter referred to the Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure with approval of Defence Secretary.

3.       We have now received the file from the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Implementation Cell who vide their Note at Page 12/N have suggested minor changes, which are as follows: -
1.       Vide para 2 of MoF noting, the details given in table in column 4 of Annexure –I of these drafts may not be required. Accordingly, these columns may be redrafted by incorporating the language as mentioned in the relevant paras of the report of 7th CPC and decisions of the Cabinet thereon. Some other minor changes have been indicated in the drafts in pencil.

4.       Column 4 of Annexure -1 of the Draft Resolution in r/o Officers as well as PBORs may be deleted. However, it may be mentioned here that the contents of Column 4 have already been incorporated in the succeeding columns as well as in the Annexure II, for example 
          a.       Military Service Pay has already been indicated in column 3.

          b.       Post and levels have been shown in Annexure II i.e. Defence Pay Matrix.

          c.       Group X pay in column 5 for PBOR.

5.       In view of the above the file may now be submitted to LA (Defence) for vetting of the two Draft Resolutions i.e. in respect of Defence Forces (Officers) as well as PBORs (DFA–I and DFA-II).
SO (P/S)
US (P/S)               Sd/--------------- 19.8.16
Dir (AG-I) on leave
JS (E) Sd/------------- V Ananadarajan (JS Estt/CAO)
LA (Defence)        Sd/------------- 22/8/16

-Page 16/N-
File No. 1(7)/2016/D(P/S)
Dy No. 1642/XVI/LA(DEF)
Ministry of Law & Justice
Office of LA (DEF)

          The administrative Ministry has forwarded draft resolutions for F/X and F/Y for our vetting.

2.       As per policy in vogue, we do vetting of draft counter affidavit duly prepared by Govt Counsel, which is to be filed in court and not of Executive orders/notifications/notices/draft resolutions etc. Notwithstanding the same, we have examined the draft and it appears to be in order, however, factual accuracy may please be ensured before issuance of the same.
(Deepak Bansal)
Wg Cdr
Legal Officer
JS(E/CAO)  On trg
Dir (AG-I)  Sd/--------- 23/8
US (P/S)
-Page 17/N-

Reference preceding notes.

          This is regarding implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). In this connection detailed notings from page 10/N may be recalled.

2.       Def (Finance) has vetted the Draft Resolution vide their Notes at page-9/N. The file was thereafter referred to Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure with the approval of Secretary (Defence) (page 11/N). Ministry of Finance (MoF), Implementation Cell vide their Note at Page 12/N suggested some minor changes, which have been incorporated in the Draft Resolution. Thereafter the file was referred to LA (Defence) for vetting of the two Draft Resolutions i.e. in respect of Defence Forces (Officers) as well as PBORs. LA (Defence) vide their Note on page 14/anter have stated that they usually vet only Draft counter affidavit and not Executive orders/notifications/notices/draft resolutions etc. However LA (Defence) have stated that the Draft Resolution is in order and factually accuracy may kindly be ensured.  

3.       The ministry of Finance vide Para 2 of their noting on Page 12/N have stated that the details given in tables in column 4 of Annexure-I of these drafts may not be required. Accordingly, these columns may be redrafted by incorporating the language as mentioned in relevant paras of the report of 7th CPC and decisions of the Cabinet thereon. Some other minor changes have been indicated in the drafts in pencil.

4.       Accordingly Column 4 of Annexure –I of the Draft Resolution in r/o Officers as well as PBORs have been deleted. However it may be mentioned here that the contents of Column 4 have already been incorporated in the succeeding columns as well as in the Annexure II, for example 
          a.       Military Service Pay has already been indicated in column 3.

b.       Grade Pay and levels have been shown in Annexure II i.e. Defence Pay Matrix.

          c.       Group X pay in column 5 for PBOR.

5.       Column 6 has been deleted by the Ministry of Finance, IC Cell. The components of MSP for MNS Officers indicated in column 6 have been incorporated in column 3 by adding the phrase, “and Rs 10,800/- for Nursing Officers.” 

-Page 18/N-


6.       It may be stated here that following changes may also be incorporated in the Draft Resolution for Officers:
          i.        The phrase “in order to maintain parity in pay with Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs)” in Para 3 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance No. I-2/2016-IC dated 25-7-2016 has been objected to by the Services. In this regard, a DO letter has already been issued from Hon’ble Raksha Mantri to the Finance Minister for expunging the phrase from Para 3 of the Government Resolution for Civilians (copy placed at Flag C). The phrase has also been included in MoD’s Draft Resolution for Officers in Para 1 ii (c) and S No. 1 of Annexure –I. In view of the objection raised by the Services and also that the Finance Ministry has been apprised of the same in the form of a DO letter, we may also expunge the phrase from MoD’s Draft Resolution for Officers, as removing this phrase will not tantamount to any alteration in the crux of the matter.    

ii.       The D/o Pensions & Pensioners Welfare vide item No. 12 of their Resolution No. 38/37/2016-P&PW (A) dated 4.8.2016 (copy placed at Flag-D) have included the provisions for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation for both Civil and Defence Forces Personnel. MoD (Pay/Services) would be issuing a separate order on this component. In view of the above, the component of ex-gratia in column 5 of Annexure-I of the Draft Resolution may be deleted in order to avoid any duplicity (sic). 

7.       Kind approval of Defence Secretary is solicited for the revised two Draft Resolutions (DFA-I (Officers) and DFA-II (PBOR) in both English and Hindi which is placed opposite.

                                                                                                          Laxmi 24/8/16
                                                                                                          SO (P/S)
US (P/S)               Sd/----------- 24/8/16
Dir (AG-I)            Sd/-----------24/8
JS (E) – on leave
JS (PG/Coord)      Sd/-----------26/8
AS (R)         DFAs’ including I and II (for PBOR) including annexures may be approved. Sd/-------------29/8/16
Defence Secretary           Now that MoF has brought about the requisite amendments, the drafts may be issued (DFA I & II).               Sd/-----------------1.9.2016

AS (K)         Sd/--------1.9.16
JS (E)          Out of Station
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/----------1/9
US (P/S)     Sd/----------1/9/16
SO (P/S)     Sd/--------- 2/9/16


Ref Notes from pre-page

Fair copies (4 each for Officers and 4 for PBORs) are placed below for signatures.
Sd/-------- 2/9/16
US (P/S)     Sd/--------- 2/9/16
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/----------2/9/16
JS (ES) – On trg
AS (K)         US may sign and issue Sd/---------

Dir (AG-I) Sd/---------3/9/16
US (P/S)

Reference preceding notes of AS(K) on previous page.

On inquiry from Implementation Cell, MoF and D (Coord), MoD, it has been telephonically learned that a document to be published in Gazette of India Extraordinary has to be signed by an officer not below the level of JS. Fair copies (three copies each for Officers and PBORs) are placed below for signatures of JS (E) please.
US (P/S)
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/------------- 5/9
JS (E)          Sd/-------------5/9/16
Dir (AG-I)   Sd/-------------5/9/16
US (P/S)     Sd/-------------5/9
*        *        *        *        *        *
///////////////TRUE TYPED COPY\\\\\\\\\\\\