Saturday 27 July 2019

Please prevent false WhatsApp forwards

One WhatsApp forward doing the rounds is that all personnel will get equal amount as Military Service Pay. And the message states that it is the order of the Delhi High Court.

Please see the Army Pay Rules 2017, Navy Pay Regulations 2017 and Air Force Pay Rules 2017 for JCOs & Other Ranks and Amendments to Army Officers Pay Rules 2017, Navy Officers Pay Regulations 2017, Air Force Pay Rules 2017 and the MNS Officers Pay Rules 2017 (all available on the MoD website under 7 CPC).

The MSP is Rs 5200/- pm for JCOs & ORs, Rs 10800/- pm for MNS Officers and Rs 15500/-pm for officers upto the rank of Brig/CMDE/Air Cmde.  


  1. This is being done by Retired Airmen ( . Menon, Biswas and others . Army & Navy Retired Soldiers & Sailors are not involved.

  2. Dear Sir
    There is a false notion among retired PBOR especially from Kerala that they are no less than officers and they should be paid pension and other benifits at par with officers - this trend which I found is only with Keralite veterans and not with any other veteran from other states. This is the communist style of thinking .. While in service these people find reasons for not to work and while I was commanding a unit, I always handled such personnel with utmost care less they create problems for me.
