Sunday, 31 August 2014

Credit Where It Is Due

Dear General Bahri,

          Some kind souls like Report My Signal, IESM & my good friend Brig (retd) Vijay Raheja forwarded your emailed & published narrative of the meeting with Chairman CoSC & CAS on 27 Aug 14. I was instantly riveted by the mention of my name. Hence this clarification as I wish to place the whole process and the ESM behind the meetings with 7 CPC in the correct perspective.

          After some others attended and decided to drop out, our group in Bangalore, which met with the 7 CPC on 24 Aug 14 and were requested to, and met again on 25 Aug 14, comprised the following, in the order of importance in my perception:-

(1) Col S Rajan, whose exemplary skill and persistence ensured periodical & preparatory meetings long before we became aware of the visit of 7 CPC to Bangalore. He drove himself, figuratively and literally, to ensure that we would get a hearing – and I am not sure we applied as per the procedure to be heard.

(2) RADM Alan O’Leary, whose knowledge and experience with the 6th CPC came in so extensively to prepare for the kind of probing questions, remarks and asides that we might encounter and must prepare to provide logical, succinct and precise replies with stress on certain words and phrases that would remain in the minds of the Commission.

(3) Lt Gen P G Kamat, whose experience as the Commandant of the Air War College as well as his field experience provided an invaluable insight on matter military vis-à-vis civil services.

(4) Col Srikantha Seshadri, who is waging a somewhat lone battle for improvement in the quality of care and treatment provided by ECHS and in the process gaining and sharing knowledge of what older Veterans and their families really need as health care, and

(5) Self, with some experience in matters of procuring as much information as possible through application of the RTI Act, 2005 so that all of us become aware of the facts as they exist in the files of the MoD, CGDA and MoF in the labyrinthine corridors of Sena Bhawan, South Block, HQ building of CGDA and the North Block.

By consensus, we decided that none of us would adopt any high sounding term such as Chairman or President or some such. We felt that, in that manner, there would be a free flow of information and thoughts as well as suggestions with concomitant freedom to either improve them with knowledge or documented facts or junk them.      

We were helped by some friends who provided certain inputs for us to have a well-rounded strategy, which is what we adopted in the meetings with the 7 CPC. But, as usual, like some smarter person in the room inserts a surprise, Col Rajan did and, in the words, quoted of course, of Shri Vivek Rae, he was silenced by presentation of more facts and the process that enabled provision of a certain benefit to officers of the Armed Forces.

Having achieved our aim, the group is now formally disbanded but informally in touch with each other till we read the 7 CPC report and the Govt Resolution to see whether we made any impact, and if so how much, or how less.

          My intention of writing this piece is to place on record that nothing would have been achieved or a second hearing opportunity provided, unless we were coherent, logical and convincing. I am sure I do not deserve the fulsome mention you so kindly made, for the Chairman CoSC & CAS is well aware of my “poking my nose into MoD etc files” as someone else mentioned, whether as a compliment (my perception) or otherwise. 

Thank you for your patience in reading this.

S Y Savur

Friday, 29 August 2014

For those suggesting more points for discussions with the 7 CPC

Dear Readers,

I have been flooded with suggestions for discussion with 7 CPC after our interactions of 24 & 25 Aug 14. 

7 CPC proposes to visit Leh and Srinagar between 15 and 18 Sep 14 and has invited requests for meeting to be sent to the Secretary 7 CPC by 05 Sep 14 (1700 hours) on the email ID provided on the 7 CPC websites.

Interested ESM may wish to view the website for details and also decide whether they would like to visit Leh or Srinagar to be heard or await further programme of visits and decide where and when they would like to place their viewpoints for consideration of 7 CPC.

Jai Hind 

RTI for Memorandum submitted to 7 CPC & Reply Thereof

Most Immediate
RTI Matter
No. 21/4/2014-D(PCC)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence

Room No. 318-B, B Wing, Sena Bhavan,
New Delhi, Dated 28th July, 2014

               Subject: - Seeking Information under RTI Act - 2005 on 7th CPC


       Please refer to your online application no. MODEF/R/2014/61177 dated 30.06.2014 on the above subject.

2.   Insofar as D (PCC) is concerned an ID Note No. 21/3/2014 - D (PCC) dated 16.06.2014 has been sent to 7th Central Pay Commission. Copy of the same is enclosed. Your RTI is also being transferred to Service Pay Commission Cells for similar action.   

3.   Appeal, if any, in this regard may be preferred before Shri R P Singh, Deputy Secretary (PC + MIS) Room No. 143-A, 'B' Wing, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi within 30 days of the receipt of this letter.

(M S Sharma)
Under Secretary & CPIO
Tel: 011 -2301 3314 

Copy to: -

1. Maj Gen K K Agarwal, Chairman, Army Pay Commission Cell, Ministry of Defence, Room No. 2, 'A' Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi. A copy of the application is enclosed for similar action please.

2. AVM S M Subhani, Chairman, Air Force Pay Commission Cell, IHQ/MoD, Dte of Fin (P), Room No. 434, Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi. A copy of the application is enclosed for similar action please.

3. R ADM Pradeep Joshi, Chairman, PARC & ACOP (AC) Ministry of Defence, Room No. 111-A, 'D-2' Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi. A copy of the application is enclosed for similar action please.

*          *            *          *          *
 Ministry of Defence 
(Pay Commission Cell)

     Subject: - Nomination of Nodal Officer of MoD to liaise with the 7th Central Pay Commission.

  Reference D.O. letter No. 7CPC/3/Coordn/2014 dated June 5, 2014 on the subject mentioned above.

2.     It is informed that Joint Secretary (Establishment) MoD has been nominated as Nodal Officer to liaise with the Commission. Details are given below: -

             Shri Navin Kumar Choudhary                   Tel: 2379 2043
             Joint Secretary (Estt),                                Fax No. 2301 3787
             Ministry of Defence,
             Room No. 97, South Block,
             New Delhi  

3. This issues with the approval of JS (E).

(R P Singh)
Deputy Secretary (PC)
Smt Meena Agarwal
Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission,
PO Box 4599, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016

MoD I.D. No. 21/3/2014- D(PCC) dated 16.06.2014
*           *             *            *          * 

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Future of this blog

Dear Readers,

My unconditional apologies for letting my sensitivity to personal attacks get the better of my sanity.

As some of you have sagely advised, one should not expect bouquets all the time, and brickbats do make this a whole and complete world.

In the prequel to removing this blog, I had deleted over 1500 comments, which as a revered reader/commentator @sunlit put, are a sad and irretrievable loss. But the loss, hopefully is only from this blog as the commentators might have preserved their own back-up copies for continuity of their thought processes. Hopefully, they will use the back-up for knowing where things had headed.

I have four issues pending replies from the Govt of India - the Rank Pay case, NFU, OROP and Cases filed by MoD/DESW in opposition to cases ruled in favour of ESM in different judicial fora. 

Replies, as and when received, will be placed on this blog and pursued till closure/finality of judgement is reached.

Thank you for forgiving my sensitivity and thank you for your moral support.          

For Those Who wish to dig deeper

The narrative of a recent meeting of some ESM with the 7th CPC has elicited some comments – of praise and derision – and the latter variety has based itself on certain perceptions and “quick” reference of the terrible state that the Armed Forces officers are vis-à-vis the IAS officers.

Writing the truth based on personal experiences elicited some more unkind comments and even a threat that if this author does not publish all his comments, then he would cease to comment, on this blog atleast.

Therefore, after having introspected on the reasons why authentic and documented information is being posted on this blog, this author scoured the World Wide Web to provide both the information as well as the sources, should any reader wish to (1) check the authenticity, and (2) increase his/her knowledge base by reading more.

Revised All India Services Rules (Vol.-I) >>
(Updated up to 31.10.2011)

Constitutional Provisions and Provisions common to All India Services


<< Revised All India Services Rules (Vol.-II) >>
(Updated up to 31.10.2011)



Revised All India Services Rules (Vol.-III) >>
(Updated up to 31.10.2011)







*          *          *          *          *         
 Some Excerpts that were of interest to this author

1.         The Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954 (42 pages) 

            Government of India Instructions under Rule 4:

            1.1.       The Government of India have clarified certain fundamentals regarding the management of the All India Services cadres as follows: -

            1.2.       At the time of the constitution of the IAS/IPS in 1947, it was decided to include the following categories of posts in the IAS cadre: -

            (a)        All superior posts in the administrative departments of and above the rank of District Officers, i.e. Collectors, Commissioners, Members, Board of Revenue, Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries etc.

            (b) A proportion of miscellaneous posts including those of Heads of Departments.

            In the IPS, corresponding ranks were substituted, the principle remaining the same….

2.         From All India Services Rules Vols I & II

Chapter 7: The All India Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955

            Para 3 (2) Every member of the Service shall subscribe to the Fund

“Provided further that nothing contained in this Rule shall apply to the persons appointed on or after the 1st day of January 2004.”

Explanatory Memorandum

A new pension system based on defined contribution has been introduced in respect of persons recruited to the Government service from the 1st day of January 2004. As the new pension scheme shall not be applicable to the existing Government servants, the interest of existing officers of All India Service shall not be affected by giving retrospective effect to the amendment.

For more details see: DOP&T U.O. No. 25014/14/2001-AIS(III) dated 08 Sep 2009.

Chapter 9. The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules 2007

Para 2. Definitions

(a)        ‘benchmark score’ shall mean the minimum numerical weighted mean score arrived at for overall grading above which an officer shall be regarded as fit for promotion or empanelment, as the case may be, to the next higher grade. 

Para 3. Scale of pay and appointment in these grades.

Para 3A. Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure.

Para 4. Fixation of initial pay.

Para 5. Regulation of increments.

Para 6. Withholding of increments.

Para 7. Grant of advance increments

Chapter 25.     Miscellaneous Executive Instructions concerning All India Services

1. Confirmations:

            1.2.       Confirmations will accordingly be of three types: -      

(i)         an officer on completion of probation should be confirmed in the Service. The number of officers to be confirmed will be limited only by the sanctioned strength of the cadre.

(ii)        an officer on promotion to the senior scale may be confirmed in that scale. Such confirmations will be limited by the sanctioned strength of the cadre; and

(iii)       an officer may be confirmed in specified post or group of posts e.g., the post of Chief Secretary or Inspector General of Police or Posts of Magistrate and Collector

2.1.       There is no provision in the All India Services Rules which make it necessary that an officer of the Service should be confirmed at every stage of his career. But nonetheless such a convention has always been in existence. Officers of the junior scale on their appointment to the senior scale should be allowed to officiate in such posts for some period roughly one or two years, at the end of which a definite decision should be taken regarding their confirmation in the senior scale on the basis of their suitability and performance during the period of officiation. ……

3. Financial Sanctions.-         Individual sanctions and orders (including clarificatory orders) having financial bearing in regard to any of the All India Services Rules may be issued direct to the Audit Officers concerned by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Ministry of Finance need only be consulted and it would be enough if there is a mention of this fact in such orders and sanctions. Wherever the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has been consulted, this fact should also be indicated in the order/sanction.

(2) The expression "Central Government" used in the All India Services Rules means `the Ministry of Home Affairs' (in respect of matters which have no financial bearing) or `the Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with the Ministry of Finance' (in respect of matters having financial bearing.)

Monetary Spend Limit on mobiles/telephones:

            Joint Secy & above : Rs 1200 p.m. & Rs 14,400 p.a.

            Others                         : Rs 1000 p.m. & Rs 12,000  p.a.    

*         *          *          *         *         *         *  

Is The Advertisement, The Reality?

Indian Administrative Service

Source: -
Disclaimer: Numbers given are a general approximation. Any errors are not the responsibility of
Indian Armed Forces

Sources: -

Pay scales of an IAS officer can be divided broadly into four stages

1. Junior Scale - A newly recruited officer will likely begin with this pay scale - Pay Band Rs 15,600 - Rs 39,100 Grade Pay Rs 5400

2. Senior Scales
- The Senior Scales are further divided into 3 categories

a. Senior time Scale Pay Band Rs 15600 - Rs 39100 Grade Pay Rs 6600

b. Junior Administrative Grade Pay Band Rs 15,600 - Rs 39,100 Grade Pay Rs 7,600

c. Selection Grade Pay Band Rs 37,400 - 67,000 Grade Pay Rs 8,700

3. Super Time Scale
- Officers will likely take around 20 years to reach this stage

Pay Band Rs 37,400 - Rs 67,000 Grade Pay Rs 10,000
4. Above Super Time Scale - The Above Super Time Scale is further divided into 3 categories

a. Pay Band Rs 37,400 - Rs 67,000 Grade Pay of Rs 12,000

b. The Apex Pay Scale of Rs 80,000 (fixed) no Grade Pay

c. Cabinet Secretary Grade of Rs 90,000 (fixed) no Grade Pay


1. Accommodation at minimal rates

2. Household help and security guards

3. Official vehicles

4. Free electricity

5. Free phone call facility

6. High level of job security

7. Option for taking study leave abroad

8. Lifetime pension (contributory if joining service after 1.1.2004) and other retirement benefits

9. Also, all perks offered to PSU officers

The Ministry of Defence has notified the new pay bands along with grade-pay and Military Service Pay for Defence Forces Officers following the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
(in Rs.)
Pay Band
Military Service
Pay #
Lieutenant / equivalent
Capt / equivalent
Major / equivalent
Lt. Col / equivalent
Colonel/equivalent @
Brigadier/equivalent @
Major Gen/equivalent
Lt Gen / equivalent
Vice Chiefs and Army Cdr / equivalent
Service Chiefs

#         No arrears on account of Military Service Pay shall be payable.

*          The element of Military Service Pay shall be taken on account for purposes of fitment at the time of promotion from Brigadier/equivalent to Major General / equivalent.

@        Colonels and Brigadiers to be placed in the Revised Pay Band IV (Rs. 37400-67000/-)


The advert states "Apparently, there are about 61 types of facilities, benefits and allowances that are applicable to Army in general. In fact if one were to work out the remuneration of a service officer vis-à-vis a comparable job in the private sector, on the basis of ‘cost to company’ you would be astounded to find the returns of an Army man to be more if not the same.
Some of these perks which are not quantified in terms of cash and are immune to inflation are as follows in case of a Lieutenant, which is the starting rank."
1. Kit maintenance allowance Rs 400/-pm

2. Transport allowance  Rs 1600/- to Rs 3200 pm/-

3. Field Area Allowance 25% of Basic Pay R approx Rs. 6780/- pm

4. CI Allowance  Rs 6300/- p.m

5. High altitude/uncongenial climate allowance Rs 5600/- p.m

6. Siachen allowance Rs 14000/- p.m

7. Flying Pay Rs 9000/- p.m

8. Parachute Pay Rs 1200/- p.m

9. Special Forces pay Rs 9000/- p.m

10. Life Long Pension

11. Qualification Pay/Grant for Services  Course Rs 6000/- to Rs 20000/- p.m

12. Entitled Rations

13. Two months annual leave & 20 days casual leave

14. 50% air travel concession

16. Free train travel once a year & subsidised travel for other journeys

17. Free medical aid in Military Hospitals for self and family

18. Subsidised housing

19. CSD facilities

20. Insurance cover for Rs 15 lacs

21. Separated Family Accn
22. Study leave up to 2 years with full pay & all benefits

23. Foreign Postings

1.                The above are entitled as per service conditions and qualifications acquired.

2.                Cadets at the IMA, OTA, Cadet Training Wing at CME, MCME, and MCTE get a fixed stipend of Rs 21000/- PM.

*          *          *          *          *